This page lists key resources in order of publication (starting with the most recent) written by Isabella Cassina and Claudio Mochi with a focus on play therapy and international crisis work, including their approach "Coping with the present while building for the future" (CPBF).
Mochi, C., & Cassina, I. (in press). Costruire il benessere a scuola: Tra gioco, relazione e neuroscienze, INA Play Therapy Press.
Cassina, I., & Mochi, C. (2024). Recovering lost play time: A concept underlying the guiding principles for play-based interventions with refugee children, Play Therapy™ Magazine, Vol. 19, Issue 4, Dec. 2024.
Cassina, I. (2024). The magic home. In T., Van Hollander (ed). The bibliotherapy toolbox: 100+ creative and playful story-based interventions to help kids create safety, overcome challenges, and build resiliency, PESI.
Mochi, C., & Cassina, I. (2024). A process-oriented and multilayered approach to the global impacts of trauma. In J., Stone, R. J., Grant, & C., Mellenthin (eds.) Trauma impacts: The repercussions of individual and collective trauma, Wiley.
Cassina, I. (2024) The potential of miniatures and sand for migrant children: The encounter with Omar by the river, Playground Magazine (pp. 14-17).
Cassina, I., & Mochi, C. (2024). Polyvagal-informed practice to support children and caregivers in war: Toward the creation of a huge and reassuring playroom. In P., Goodyear-Brown, & L., Yasenik (eds.) Polyvagal power in the playroom: A guide for play therapists, Routledge.​
Mochi, C. (2024) Alimentare quotidianamente gli schermi: L'impatto su benessere e sviluppo, Rivista di Play Therapy, 8, 2024.
Mochi, C., & Cassina, I. (2024). Reclaiming a feeling of safety in natural disasters: Preparatory and advanced interventions using play and play therapy. In P., Goodyear-Brown, & L., Yasenik (eds.) Polyvagal power in the playroom: A guide for play therapists, Routledge.
Mochi, C., & Cassina, I. (2024). Psychotherapy treatment planning with children in crisis. In L. L., Wonders, & M. L., Affee (eds.) Play therapy treatment planning with children and families. A guide for mental health professionals, Routledge.
Mochi, C. (2024). Una sana educazione emotiva, Radio Bullets (online newspaper).
Mochi, C., Cassina, I., & Honda, R. (2023). Disaster response guidelines, a position paper written for the International Consortium of Play Therapy Associations IC-PTA.
Mochi, C. (2023). Sirene d'allarme: Riflessioni e percezioni su quando avvertiamo pericolo, Radio Bullets (online newspaper).
Mochi, C. (2023). Bambini, guerra e il potere del gioco, Radio Bullets (online newspaper).
Cassina, I. (2023). Il potenziale benefico delle miniature e della sabbia in ambito migratorio: L’incontro con Omar in riva al fiume, Rivista di Play Therapy, 7, 2023.
Mochi, C. (2023). Le esperienze socio-emotive nel promuovere sviluppo e sopravvivenza: Il contributo di Allan Schore, Rivista di Play Therapy, 6, 2023.
Cassina, I., Mochi, C., & Stagnitti, K. (2023) (eds.) Play therapy and expressive arts in a complex and dynamic world: Opportunities and challenges inside and outside the playroom, Routledge.
Mochi, C. (2022). Beyond the clouds: An autoethnographic research exploring good practice in crisis settings, Loving Healing Press.
Cassina, I. (2022). Unified sculpture. In L., Lowenstein (ed.). Assessment and treatment activities for children, adolescents, and families, Vol. 4, Champion Press.
Cassina, I. (2022). L'impatto del trauma sullo sviluppo del bambino: Applicare il modello neurosequenziale alla play therapy, Rivista di Play Therapy, 5, 2022.
Mochi, C. (2022). Il potenziale del gioco negli ambienti socialmente tossici, Rivista di Play Therapy, 5, 2022.
Cassina, I. (2022). La prospettiva di genere nel gioco dei bambini, Rivista di Play Therapy, 4, 2022.
Mochi, C. (2022). Filial therapy: Genitori agenti di cambiamento primario per i propri figli, Rivista di Play Therapy, 4, 2022.
Mochi, C., & Cassina, I. (2021). Introduzione alla play therapy. Quando il gioco è la terapia, INA Play Therapy Press.
Cassina, I. (2021). Gioco libero: Benefici e suggerimenti pratici, Rivista di Play Therapy, 3, 2021.
Cassina, I. (2021). Child-centered play therapy. La metodologia non-direttiva, Rivista di Play Therapy, 2, 2021.
Cassina, I. (2020). The magic home: A displaced boy finds a way to feel better, Loving Healing Press.
Mochi, C. (2020). Nel dubbio, scegliamo il divertimento (Coronavirus), Radio Bullets (online newspaper).
Cassina, I. (2016). La casa magica, Manni Editori.
Cassina, I. (2016). Hai voglia di fare volontariato? Non basta, Radio Bullets (online newspaper).
Stewart, A., Echterling, L., & Mochi, C. (2016). Disaster and crisis intervention: The play therapist’s roles in promoting recovery. In D., Creenshaw, & A., Steward (eds.) Play therapy: A comprehensive guide, Guilford Press.
VanFleet, R., & Mochi, C. (2015). Enhancing resilience in play therapy with child and family survivors of mass trauma. In D., Creenshaw, R., Brooks, & S., Goldstein (eds.) Enhancing resilience in play therapy, Guilford Press.
VanFleet, R., & Mochi, C. (2010). Post-disaster roles for psychologists, The National Psychologist, Nov/Dec. 2010.
Mochi, C., & VanFleet, R. (2009). Roles play therapist play. Post disaster engagement and empowerment of survivors, Play Therapy™ Magazine, Vol. 4, Dec. 2009.
Mochi, C. (2009). Trauma repetition: Intervention in psychological safe places, Eastern Journal of Psychiatry, Feb/Aug 2009, Vol. 12, N. 1&2.​​​