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This page lists key resources in order of publication (starting with the most recent) written by Isabella Cassina and Claudio Mochi with a focus on play therapy and international crisis work, including their approach "Coping with the present while building for the future" (CPBF).


  • Mochi, C., & Cassina, I. (in press). Costruire il benessere a scuola: Tra gioco, relazione e neuroscienze, INA Play Therapy Press.


  • Cassina, I., & Mochi, C. (2024). Recovering lost play time: A concept underlying the guiding principles for play-based interventions with refugee children, Play Therapy™ Magazine, Vol. 19, Issue 4, Dec. 2024.


  • Cassina, I. (2024). The magic home. In T., Van Hollander (ed). The bibliotherapy toolbox: 100+ creative and playful story-based interventions to help kids create safety, overcome challenges, and build resiliency, PESI.





  • Mochi, C. (2024) Alimentare quotidianamente gli schermi: L'impatto su benessere e sviluppo, Rivista di Play Therapy, 8, 2024.





  • Mochi, C., Cassina, I., & Honda, R. (2023). Disaster response guidelines, a position paper written for the International Consortium of Play Therapy Associations IC-PTA.





  • Mochi, C. (2023). Le esperienze socio-emotive nel promuovere sviluppo e sopravvivenza: Il contributo di Allan Schore, Rivista di Play Therapy, 6, 2023.




  • Cassina, I. (2022). Unified sculpture. In L., Lowenstein (ed.). Assessment and treatment activities for children, adolescents, and families, Vol. 4, Champion Press.


  • Cassina, I. (2022). L'impatto del trauma sullo sviluppo del bambino: Applicare il modello neurosequenziale alla play therapy, Rivista di Play Therapy, 5, 2022.



  • Cassina, I. (2022). La prospettiva di genere nel gioco dei bambini, Rivista di Play Therapy, 4, 2022.










  • Stewart, A., Echterling, L., & Mochi, C. (2016). Disaster and crisis intervention: The play therapist’s roles in promoting recovery. In D., Creenshaw, & A., Steward (eds.) Play therapy: A comprehensive guide, Guilford Press.


  • VanFleet, R., & Mochi, C. (2015). Enhancing resilience in play therapy with child and family survivors of mass trauma. In D., Creenshaw, R., Brooks, & S., Goldstein (eds.) Enhancing resilience in play therapy, Guilford Press.




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