As an Approved Provider of Play Therapy Continuing Education (APT & APTI), participation in Academy trainings and passing the corresponding post-tests counts toward CE Credit Hours that are required for earning or renewing Play Therapy and Therapeutic Play credentials.
Who Qualifies for CE Credits?
As an Approved Provider of Play Therapy CE Type I, the Academy can provide unlimited play therapy continuing education/training at multiple events (in-person workshops, live webinars, recorded webinars, home study courses, etc.) and programs during an authorized approval period.
CE Credit Hours for earning or renewing APT (a4pt.org) Play Therapy credentials are awarded to mental health professionals only. CE Credit Hours for earning or renewing APTI credentials (associazioneplaytherapy.it) are awarded to mental health professionals (Play Therapy) and professionals from educational, health, rehabilitation, and social work sectors (Therapeutic Play).

New Certification Beginning in 2025
The Academy faculty and international consultants are working on a new and unique certification for professionals skilled in integrating play therapy and expressive arts into crisis work.
The training program will include in-person and online modules on the following main topics:
introduction to the world of international cooperation;
conceptualization of the crisis intervention as a process-oriented approach;
development and management of psychosocial projects;
study and practice of the most relevant play therapy models;
personal growth and self-care through play and expressive arts;
group and individual supervision;
practical internship in one's own country of residence or abroad within the Academy's projects.
Entry requirements are going to be listed starting in 2025. A limited number of professionals will be allowed in the program. If you are interested in this certification, please do not hesitate to contact us.